Clevy + Formstack

Deploy Formstack Forms & Generate Formstack Documents from those forms through a self-serve employee virtual assistant
Integration built by Formstack
Integration built by Zapier

Deliver the right content to employees

Clevy is an employee virtual assistant delivering the right content to employees when they ask for it. Paired with Formstack Forms, you can manage the data you collect from an employee, and then start a Formstack workflow process or generate a document. Power your data collection within Clevy through your Formstack form’s conditional logic.
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Integration Overview

Partner Overview

Use the integration to:

What You Need

How It Works

Use the integration to:

  • Drive the collection of data through the Clevy virtual assistant 
  • Start a Formstack workflow process based on the data collected 
  • Generate a Formstack document based on the data collected

What You Need:

  1. Formstack Forms account
  2. Clevy account

How it Works:
  1. After creating a form in your Formstack interface, you can make this same form available in a Clevy Virtual Assistant (Chatbot) so every employee in your organization can have access to it. The Virtual Assistant will automatically read the form’s fields and render them conversationally in a simple discussion
  2. You will enter your Formstack access token in the Clevy interface to connect the integration.
Find Out More

Setting up Formstack Forms with Clevy is quick and easy. Check out this help article to learn more.

Integration Overview

Partner Overview

Use the integration to:

What You Need

How It Works

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Integration Overview

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Partner Overview

Use the integration to:

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How It Works

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